Sunday, April 22, 2012

♥ Hunger Games ♥

I've finally read Hunger Games!!!!!! It's so amazing! I couldn't put it down! =D Why didn't I read this Years ago?!?! And I have a confession to make: I love Peeta! He is awesome! =D

Why do I have the tendency to like/fall in love with, fictional characters?! I'll tell you why: They're amazing ♥♥
I can't wait to read Catching Fire! I have to wait for it to get at the library... I can't wait! It's so good! ♥
If you haven't read the Hunger Games, Go get the books and start reading, NOW! ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello all!
I am so sorry that I have not been keeping up with the blog! Life has been so hectic!

I don't know about all of you out there, but Maine has been having a few HOT days! Summer is almost here! *Happy dance*

And it's getting almost time to plant some plants! Still a little chilly yet, but soon! I can't wait to have fresh juicy tomatoes straight off the vine! Or fresh off the vine string beans! I'm telling you, fresh string beans kick butt when it comes to those alien things they call "string beans" that come in cans. You haven't lived until you've grown your own and taken a bite of that crisp yummy string bean, right from the vine to your mouth! Yummmm.... ;)

Mom and I have been looking into selling some of our crafts, so we've been looking around in the area, and scouting out Etsy... =) So wish us luck! =D

And I have a confession to make: I ADORE Pinterest! I found this really cool idea on how to clean the headlights on your vehicle, and so I tried it on the family van, and OMGOSH! I was so shocked that it worked! I wish I had taken before and after pictures! All you do it put some toothpaste (any kind, I used Crest) and rub it on, let it sit about 5-10 minutes and rinse it off! If it still needs more to come off, just repeat, and walla! Clean, CLEAR headlights! =D

Mom has been making more ponchos (Below is a picture to refresh your mind) And she's thinking she wants to sell them, so we'll see about it!! =)

Beautiful isn't it? =D

Well, I'm off to see about making Dandelion soup! =D (Yes, there is such a thing!) ;)


Monday, April 2, 2012

Poncho Craze ;)

Hi Everyone!
  So you're probably wondering what's been keeping me away for so long... Well, it's been a crazy crochet weekend for both me and mom! Mom has made several ponchos over the past 2 weeks, some of which are pictured below:

And I've been finishing up a little girl's skirt (neon pink), and a couple various projects! =)  Both Mom and I have picked up a lot more yarn, and are on a Crocheting craze ;) Mom is loving making the ponchos as they are so quick to make.

I've also had a major sweet tooth over the weekend too, so I've made a variation of after-dinner mints as well as some Irish Potato candies! Omgosh...They are SOOOO good! =D If you haven't tried some yet, you NEED to try them! =D

Also, we've been having movie marathons all over the weekend: Little House on the Prairie, Waltons, Dr. Quinn, etc.

Sorry it's such a short post, but I have a million things I need to get done before bed...
I'll try to make it up with a longer post next time! =)
