Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Etsy Shop!!!

Hello all! 
I finally have Saphira's and my Etsy Shop shop up and running! So far we only have ponchos, a pair of wrist warmers, a Mario Mushroom toy/stress ball/softball/etc., Lavender Eye patch, Lavender shoe sachets, and a few other odds and ends... (See pictures below the penguins!)
Check it out:

We're planning on adding a LOmore things before Christmas!!!!! 
Such as these guys! 

Here are the pictures of some of the things we have in the shop right now! (sorry, the pictures are a little crude, but the products are GREAT!)

Leaf Dishcloths

Shoe Sachet

Fall Leaf Dishcloths


Lavender Eye patch

Now, how about you go and buy one of the above things from our shop? ;) =D

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm back! and I've brought baby penguins with me! ;)

Wow, I haven't written on this blog in a while! Sorry about that everyone! We've been finishing up school, so there hasn't been much time to keep the blog going steady... I've still been finding time to crochet stuff in the evening during family movie time though! =D I've made an adjustment on the penguins ;) The penguins have babies! And not only are the babies super adorable, they double as finger puppets! ;) I had to sneak the original baby penguin away from my little sister (who stole it within minutes of finishing it)

Here they are! Now to figure out how much I'm going to be selling these for ;) They're actually quite fun to make, and I love making them in all the different colors! And my siblings are good testers, and according to them, I should make a whole legion of penguins! And then give them to my siblings.... hmmmmm haha =D

Saphira has been been up to a whole lot too! Unfortunately I haven't gotten pictures of them yet... But she made a whole bunch of button necklaces, around 6 or 7, a pair of cat slippers (adorable!), a little hand bag, and a few more ponchos! I'm hoping to get the pictures taken later today, and then I'll try to post them, either tonight, or sometime tomorrow...  =)

We've been getting the garden ready too! I don't know about all of you, but I can't wait for the fresh veggies! =) And this year I'll be planting some flowers too! We have a fence on the side of our yard, and it's just crying out to have some flowers underneath it! ;) I'm thinking Tuberous Begonias, because I love how rose-ish they are! =) (Roses are my favorite flowers)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dragon! Dragon! I swear I saw a Dragon!

But I DID! I DID see a dragon! In fact, she was playing on the swing set in our side yard! You don't believe me? Well, I figured you wouldn't! So, I took pictures!

TADDAH! I TOLD you I saw a dragon!

I certainly was very nervous! I had no idea of knowing if she was the furious-I'll-burn-you-to-a-crisp-sort or if she was a friendly sort! I watched her playing on the swing set for a little while, before I finally got up the courage to peek my head out the door, and finally, into full few on the porch... She stopped swinging, and just watched me, and then can you believe it! She motioned me to play with her! I wasn't about to walk into that trap! Everyone knows that that is a dragon ploy, just so they can eat you! She seemed Sad (my how that dragon could act! I almost started to believe her innocence!), but she started playing again... Well, I admit I was curious... I wanted to get a closer look at her, having never seen a real dragon before! So I took a few steps closer. She didn't seem to mind, and kept right on swinging... When I was within 10 feet of the swing set, I stopped. That was as close as I was going and that was IT! And then it happened. This blur of red and rainbow spikes came towards me so fast, I could only register the colors, before I was pushed backwards...For such a small thing, she sure packed a punch! It took me a minute to register what just happened... And to register the amount of weight on my chest... Slowly I lifted my head every so slightly, and there she was. ON ME! I knew these where my last moments alive, because as I watched her, she opened her mouth (Oh God! I was about to be barbecued!), leannned forward, and (I closed my eyes tight! Expecting to feel the burn and then the teeth) and then....nothing... I peeked through my eyelid... She still had her mouth open, but she was making a gurgly noise, that resembled laughter...I was hallucinating... Or something... Maybe I was just dying and by some grace of God didn't have to watch as the flame came, and feel the pain... But...No...She was still looking at me, and still making that noise... She cocked her head, and then the unexpected came. She LICKED me! She looked straight at me, opened her mouth and licked me! I slowly opeden both of my eyes, and sat up just the teeniest bit... She bounded off of  me, and..Wait, what the heck was she DOING? Her body was rippling! And again the gurgle noise came again, and then she flew straight up in the air and right on to the swingset. I slowly ( and I mean VERY slowly!) sat up and and finally stood up. She again motioned for me to play with her... I was very nervous... It was possible that she was friend;y (after all, she hadn't eaten me...) but that could just be a ploy...Some dragons I hear like to play with their food before they eat it... Well, long story short, she kept jumping at me, and she seemed genuinly like she wanted to play... So (against my better judgement I might add) I eventually gave in and and am very glad I did! We played all day, some out side, and then we went inside and played a few games too! (She's really a horrible Don't Break the Ice player) When it was finally time for bed, I decided to let her stay her, as she told me she has no home, and she was so exausted from all of our fun, that she just curled right up and went to sleep!

So if you every see a dragon jumping and playing on a swingset in your side yard, Don't hesitate to play with it! Because you might become the best of buddies <3

Sunday, April 22, 2012

♥ Hunger Games ♥

I've finally read Hunger Games!!!!!! It's so amazing! I couldn't put it down! =D Why didn't I read this Years ago?!?! And I have a confession to make: I love Peeta! He is awesome! =D

Why do I have the tendency to like/fall in love with, fictional characters?! I'll tell you why: They're amazing ♥♥
I can't wait to read Catching Fire! I have to wait for it to get at the library... I can't wait! It's so good! ♥
If you haven't read the Hunger Games, Go get the books and start reading, NOW! ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello all!
I am so sorry that I have not been keeping up with the blog! Life has been so hectic!

I don't know about all of you out there, but Maine has been having a few HOT days! Summer is almost here! *Happy dance*

And it's getting almost time to plant some plants! Still a little chilly yet, but soon! I can't wait to have fresh juicy tomatoes straight off the vine! Or fresh off the vine string beans! I'm telling you, fresh string beans kick butt when it comes to those alien things they call "string beans" that come in cans. You haven't lived until you've grown your own and taken a bite of that crisp yummy string bean, right from the vine to your mouth! Yummmm.... ;)

Mom and I have been looking into selling some of our crafts, so we've been looking around in the area, and scouting out Etsy... =) So wish us luck! =D

And I have a confession to make: I ADORE Pinterest! I found this really cool idea on how to clean the headlights on your vehicle, and so I tried it on the family van, and OMGOSH! I was so shocked that it worked! I wish I had taken before and after pictures! All you do it put some toothpaste (any kind, I used Crest) and rub it on, let it sit about 5-10 minutes and rinse it off! If it still needs more to come off, just repeat, and walla! Clean, CLEAR headlights! =D

Mom has been making more ponchos (Below is a picture to refresh your mind) And she's thinking she wants to sell them, so we'll see about it!! =)

Beautiful isn't it? =D

Well, I'm off to see about making Dandelion soup! =D (Yes, there is such a thing!) ;)


Monday, April 2, 2012

Poncho Craze ;)

Hi Everyone!
  So you're probably wondering what's been keeping me away for so long... Well, it's been a crazy crochet weekend for both me and mom! Mom has made several ponchos over the past 2 weeks, some of which are pictured below:

And I've been finishing up a little girl's skirt (neon pink), and a couple various projects! =)  Both Mom and I have picked up a lot more yarn, and are on a Crocheting craze ;) Mom is loving making the ponchos as they are so quick to make.

I've also had a major sweet tooth over the weekend too, so I've made a variation of after-dinner mints as well as some Irish Potato candies! Omgosh...They are SOOOO good! =D If you haven't tried some yet, you NEED to try them! =D

Also, we've been having movie marathons all over the weekend: Little House on the Prairie, Waltons, Dr. Quinn, etc.

Sorry it's such a short post, but I have a million things I need to get done before bed...
I'll try to make it up with a longer post next time! =)


Thursday, March 29, 2012

4-3-2-1 PENGUINS!!! ;)

Hi everyone!
Over the weekend I decided I was in desperate need for companions for my little penguin I made ages ago...So, I broke out the scraps of yarn, grabbed my crochet hooks, and starting going! Personally, I think they're cute, but I'll let you be the judge, and tell me what you think... =)

Here's a picture:

The second penguin from the left (the blue one without the hat) is my original penguin, and personally, I like the other kind of eyes, that his friends have better....Ah well, I guess when they say a painter's worst critic is himself, the same can be said about crafters! =)

I'm thinking my next penguin will be orange....And then a bright green one, with some form of beret ;)

I'm off to think penguin-y thought! ;)
